The Spiritual Science Research Foundation SSRF characterizes what is capable with the help of the five detects, brain and astuteness as an ‘encounter’ while encountering something which is outside the ability to grasp of the five detects, psyche and acumen establishes an ‘otherworldly encounter’. Regardless of whether one can see an occasion through the five detects, psyche and keenness however the purpose for it is past the gross acumen of humankind, it actually comprises a profound encounter. Otherworldly encounters connected with the five Absolute astronomical components Progress in our otherworldly practice initiates our intuition and we start to get insight of the Absolute astronomical components logically, starting from the most ridiculously gross to the most unobtrusive, for example Outright Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether components through our unobtrusive feeling of smell, taste, vision, contact and sound separately.
With higher profound level, we get higher and more unpretentious otherworldly encounters a specific otherworldly encounter might possibly demonstrate a specific profound level yet may likewise occur because of extraordinary profound work on, being in the organization of Saints, and so on. Some of the time apparition’s evil presence, fallen angels, spirits, and so forth can make illusionary profound encounters in a person to alarm him/her. Such unobtrusive experience occurs without the ascent in otherworldly level of the designated individual. All people at a specific otherworldly level would not be guaranteed to see same profound encounters. The otherworldly level of an individual is the net capacity of many credits, sixth sense being only one of them
An individual might achieve Sainthood for example the 70 percent profound level without whenever having seen through the five unobtrusive faculties. One reason could be that this individual has previously had these encounters in the previous existence and does not require them now. Whenever one embraces a proper otherworldly practice in view of the essential standards of Spiritual science, one gains profound headway and gets otherworldly encounters. Otherworldly practice overcomes any issues between hypothetical information got from books and profoundly encountering it which empowers one to foster confidence in the hypothetical information. Otherworldly encounters affirm that searchers have taken on fitting profound practice. Getting logically higher otherworldly encounters affirm profound advancement. Profound encounters carry on like achievements and support us on our otherworldly excursion. Assume we were to stop our profound practice; we may not keep on getting otherworldly encounters. If we somehow happened to deteriorate in the otherworldly practice, we would not get higher profound encounters. By stagnation in otherworldly practice, we mean doing likewise profound practice many years, without expanding it subjectively or quantitatively. This is God’s approach to letting us know that we need to expand our otherworldly practice further.